About The Learning Scape

A recent NASSCOM report suggests that by 2020, 2 out of 3 millennials would like to take up a managerial job within 3 years of their joining and the core skill set required by the industry will change fast and newer skills like creative thinking, higher level problem solving, interpersonal skills, innovation, decision making will be in great demand. However, skill-based education is somewhat lacking in all the higher education fields in India and management is no different.

At The Learning Scape, we seek to bridge the skill gap.

But a deeper insight is needed to understand - What is the bridge?

Bridging the skill gap is a cause we care about. And walking the bridge - treading this path with all determination and will, recognizing the numerous obstacles on the way, is only going to help us bridge that gap.

At one end of the bridge are students who lack the required skill set and enter the workforce clueless about what is expected of them. There are students who rote learn and clear examinations. There are employees who are insufficiently trained and fail to recognize the basic premises behind human behavior and how should one work along with the team.

At the other end is a happy, delighted individual who is more equipped and confident now of facing the challenges of the world ahead.

We seek to provide you with basic tools, techniques, methods and ideas of improving your overall productivity, thereby creating a distinct image for yourself amongst the larger pool of people.